Transform your newly renovated space into a pristine environment with our professional cleaning solutions
Comprehensive cleaning of all surfaces, removing construction dust and debris.
Professional cleaning of windows, frames, and sills to remove construction residue.
Thorough cleaning of ventilation systems to ensure clean, healthy air.
Contact us for a consultation and personalized cleaning solution.
Contact Us TodayComplete transformation of living spaces after heavy construction work
Professional cleaning of windows and surfaces to pristine condition
Thorough inspection of the renovation site
Advanced HEPA filtration cleaning
Detailed cleaning of all surfaces
Quality check and final touches
Industrial-grade vacuum cleaners with HEPA filtration
High-pressure steam cleaning equipment
Professional cleaning tools and equipment
Get in touch for professional post-renovation cleaning services
742 Park Avenue, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049, India
+91 982 675 4321
Available 7 days a week